When it comes to cleaning your sunglasses, there are two methods we recommend. The first is with a microfiber cleaning cloth (which all our sunglasses come with) and a liquid lens cleaning solution. Saturate the lenses with the liquid lens cleaning solution and wipe them gently with your microfiber cloth. We recommend that you periodically wash your microfiber cleaning cloth as it cleans less effectively as it gets dirty. The second method is done at home. Rinse your sunglasses under the faucet, preferably with warm filtered water (but regular tap water is ok too). Then apply a few drops of liquid dish soap to your fingertips and gently massage the frame and lenses to remove oils, grease, and other debris. Rinse them off and dry them with your microfiber cleaning cloth and you are good to go!
As for caring for your sunglasses, we recommend storing them in a hardcase when they are not on your face. This will greatly extend the lifetime of your sunglasses as it will help prevent unintended accidents.